On Sunday, March 3, 2024, immediately folloiwng Family Worship the church family will vote at a Special Called Business Meeting on whetehr or not to enter into a Consulting Services Authorization with Auxano Church Consulting for the purposes of evaluating and refining our overall church vision and purpose given our particular geographic and cultural context, evaluate and make recommendations for changes to our plan for assimilation of new members, and evaluate and make recommendations for the development of a functional and measurable discipleship patheway. Pastor Bill has explained his reasoning for proposing that EHBC enter into this Consulting Services Authorization in a letter dated February 23, 2024, and made physically available to the church family on February 25, 2024, and included both the Auxano Consulting Services Authorization and two additional pages relating specifically to Auxano's Vision Framing Process. That packet of information is available via the link directly below this paragraph.

From October 16 to November 13, 2022, Eastern Hills Baptist Church will engage in the inspirational phase of our ENDEAVOR Generosity Campaign. This campaign's purpose is twofold: 1) to encourage the entire church family to catch and live the vision of being active in reaching their neighborhoods with the love of Christ; and 2) to raise the funds needed for the upgrade and repair of our building in accordance with Phase 1 of our Building Master Plan.
The campaign period will include Sunday morning messages from the life of Joseph and Bible studies from Nehemiah on the theme of ENDEAVOR, special prayer emphases (both individual and corporate), and special events to engage the church family in seeking God's will regarding our individual and church-wide commitments to the future vision of Eastern Hills. This will culminate with our Commitment Sunday on November 13 in Family Worship.
On this page, you will find all of the print materials that we have created throughout the preparation phase of the campaign, and we will update this page weekly with our 40 Day Prayer Devotionals and any other information and advertisements as they occur.
The campaign period will include Sunday morning messages from the life of Joseph and Bible studies from Nehemiah on the theme of ENDEAVOR, special prayer emphases (both individual and corporate), and special events to engage the church family in seeking God's will regarding our individual and church-wide commitments to the future vision of Eastern Hills. This will culminate with our Commitment Sunday on November 13 in Family Worship.
On this page, you will find all of the print materials that we have created throughout the preparation phase of the campaign, and we will update this page weekly with our 40 Day Prayer Devotionals and any other information and advertisements as they occur.
We have chosen to leave the historical information below on this page in order to maintain continuity and help visitors to better understand the journey that we have been on as a church which led us to our ENDEAVOR Campaign.
Auxano Church Consulting: CAPTIAL FUNDS CAMPAIGN
Eastern Hills has engaged Auxano Church Consulting to assist us in assessing our church mission, direction, and readiness for the next steps that God has in store for us. Part of this assessment will be a church survey that the entire church family will take during Family Worship on May 22, 2022. Our goal is that May 22 will be a high attendance Sunday, so as many people as possible will complete the survey. Both those who are present in the building and those who are online will be able to participate in taking the survey. The survey will be anonymous, and only Auxano will compile the results.
The group of church members that Auxano asked us to put together for this process has been meeting for the last seven weeks, and has prayerfully sought the Lord’s direction and guidance for the next step in the life of Eastern Hills. We have summarized what we believe to be that mission and the connection that it has with our building Master Plan in a document called the Case for Support.
The Case for Support is available below in PDF format. Please make sure you read it thoroughly and pray through it and for our church family and the church assessment consistently between now and May 22.
If you need a printed copy, you can pick one up in the office.
The group of church members that Auxano asked us to put together for this process has been meeting for the last seven weeks, and has prayerfully sought the Lord’s direction and guidance for the next step in the life of Eastern Hills. We have summarized what we believe to be that mission and the connection that it has with our building Master Plan in a document called the Case for Support.
The Case for Support is available below in PDF format. Please make sure you read it thoroughly and pray through it and for our church family and the church assessment consistently between now and May 22.
If you need a printed copy, you can pick one up in the office.
Master Planning Team
Since May of 2021, a diverse group of faithful members of Eastern Hills Baptist Church have been at work with Joe Simons of Simons Architecture to develop a long-term plan to improve the support that our building gives to our ministries. We voted to adopt the Master Plan for our building plans on March 20, 2022, at our regular bi-monthly business meeting.